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Smart FTP Queue
Instructions on HowToSetupAQueue using Windows and SmartFTP

These instructions were written specifically for my server, someone please generalize them here!

Real passwords have been omitted here - where you see masked out passwords (********) simply substitute the corresponding password that was sent with your login info.

1) Start SmartFTP

2) Login to garcia with the browse account

3) Navigate to the show you would like to download

4) Right click on the show you want (it will have the extension ".shnf"), and choose:

Download > Global Queue > Local Destination > Select Folder

5) Choose the local folder on your computer where you would like the show to be stored, and click on OK

6) You should have a "Tools" bar at the bottom of SmartFTP, if not, you can press "CTRL+Q" to toggle the "Tools" bar

7) You can now click on the "Queue Main" tab in the "Tools" bar at the bottom of the screen - you should see the show you just added in this list

8) Right click on the show in the queue list, and choose Properties

9) In the "Source" field, you should see a line like this:

ftp://browse:********<your show>

10) Click on the little icon at the end of the "Source" field - it should say "Select URL" when you position the mouse cursor over it

11) A new window will open. Here you change the login to "etree" or "public", whichever login you were sent. Change the password to the corresponding password that you were sent. Leave the other fields as is. Click OK

12) You should now see the following in the "Source" field:

ftp://etree:********<your show>


ftp://public:********<your show>

note that you cannot directly edit this line - you MUST use the "Select URL" window in steps 10 & 11 or the password WILL NOT remain changed in the queue!

13) Close the current browse connection to garcia (you can do this by closing out the window)

14) Click on the Start button in the "Queue Main" window (the green triangle)

15) SmartFTP will now take care of the rest, retrying every 120 seconds until it logs in, at which point the download will begin automatically

Make sure you have your retry rate set to at least 120 seconds, and that NOOP/Keepalive are disabled, otherwise you will be banned. If you have problems connecting, you may have been auto-banned.

By the way, this probably goes without saying, but this process only works as long as you leave SmartFTP open and running. You can quit SmartFTP and resume the queue later by repeating step 14 above.

That's it! Good luck, and enjoy the tunes!

This Page Last Changed: Jul 25, 2002 00:40:03
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