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Band Abbreviations
Below are some of the TradeFriendly bands you will see traded within the community. To keep filenames manageable, we label music files by band abbreviation and showdate (see example in NamingStandards). This is an incomplete list of abbreviations used by contributors. Check out the BandAbbreviationGuidelines when adding a new etree friendly band.

The first column of abbreviations has the one used in the ShnDatabase as the prefix for downloaded info files, and as part of a shortcut to the band's shn listings, e.g., This is often, but not always, the preferred abbreviation. The second set of abbreviations has others you may see on circulating shns. If the ShnDatabase column is blank for a band, it may mean no one has volunteered to maintain a shn section for that artist yet.

Please add only known TradeFriendly artists to this list. Remove any artists that may be known unfriendly to trading (e.g., Bob Dylan) or whose position is wholly unknown (e.g., Pink Floyd?), and which users may have added in error.

Click on a band name (if active) to go to their official website. To add or to look up other types of abbreviatons used around, see AcronymGlossary. To comment on problematic abbreviations, add a reference to AbbrevDiscussion in the Notes column and discuss on that page. To add info on a band's trading stance, add a reference to TradingPolicies in the Notes column and discuss on that page, or add a reference to an outside resource like [BTAT] or [].

Band [SHN DB] Abbreviation Others Seen Notes
[3 Apples High] 3ah
A Band of Gypsys bog jhbg
[Alan Hertz and Friends] ahf ahp,ah&f AbbrevDiscussion
[Allman Brothers Band] abb
[Amfibian] amf
[Barbara Cue] bcue
[Barefoot Manner] bfm
[Beanlan]] beanland
[Bela Fleck & the Flecktones] bfft
Bela Fleck & Tony Trischka bftt
[Ben Harper] bh
[Ben Harper and the Innocent Criminals] bhic
[Big In Japan] bij
[Big Smith] bs
[The Big Wu] wu
[Black Crowes] bc crowes
[Blind Melon] bmelon
[Blueground Undergrass] bgug
[Blues Traveler] bt Btat:Blues+Traveler
[Bockman's Euphio] be
[Brothers Past] bp
[Bruce Hornsby] bruce bh [AbbrevDiscussion]
[El Buho] buho
[Built to Spill] bts
[Burning Spear] bspear
[Burt Neilson Band] bnb
[Camper van Beethoven] cvb
[Cerulean City] ccity
[Charlie Hunter] ch
[Col. Claypool's Bucket of Bernie Brains] (see FB below) cbobb, lcbobb, lcbbb
[Counting Crows] cc
[Cowboy Junkies] cj
[Cracker] cracker
[Critters Buggin] cb
[Dark Star Orchestra] dso
Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds D&T
Dave Matthews (solo) DM
[Dave Matthews Band] dmb
[David Gray] dgray
[David Nelson Band] dnb
[Day by the River] dbr
[The Dead] dead td [TradingPolicies]
[Deep Banana Blackout] dbb
[Derek Trucks Band] dt
[Dirty Dozen Brass Band] ddbb BTAT:Dirty+Dozen+Brass+Band
[Disco Biscuits] db
[Dispatch] disp
[DJ Logic] logic, djlogic
[Donna the Buffalo] dtb
[Drive-By Truckers] dbt
Edie Brickell eb
[Ekoostik Hookah] eh
[Farrah] farrah
[Fareed Haque Group] fhg
[G. Love and Special Sauce] glove
[Galactic] gal
[Garaj Mahal] garaj
Jerry Garcia Garcia jgb, jg []
[George Porter, Jr. & Runnin' Pardners] porter
Ghost Trane gt
[God Street Wine] gsw
[Gov't Mule] mule gm
[Grand Theft Bus] gtb
[Grateful Dead] gd [TradingPolicies]
[GreyBoy AllStars] gba
[Guster] gus guster [Btat:Guster]
[Guy Malone] guymalone
[Hot Tuna] ht
[Howie Day] hday
Indiana Trip Factory itf
Indigo Girls ig
[Jack Johnson] jj
[Jazz Mandolin Project] jmp
Jeff Tweedy jt
Jerry Garcia Band jgb
[Jerry Joseph & The Jackmormons] jmos jjj
Jimi Hendrix Experience jhe jh
[John Mayer] jmayer
John Mayer Trio jm3 jmayer3
[John Scofield] sco
Jolene jol
[Jorma Kaukonen] jk
[Kai Kln] kaikln kk [Btat:Kai+Kln]
Karl Denson and Chris Wood kdcw
[Karl Denson's Tiny Universe] kdtu
[Keller Williams] kw kdub (for k-double-u)
Keller Williams w/ String Cheese Incident Keller Williams w- String Cheese Incident kwi [AbbrevDiscussion]
[Kimock] sk
[Kudzu Kings] kk kudzu
KVHW kvhw
[Lake Trout] lt
[Leftover Salmon] ls, los
Legion of Mary lom
[Les Claypool's Fearless Flying Frog Brigade] FB lcfffb, claypool, fffb
[Life After Failing] laf
[Little Feat] lf
[Living Daylights] ld
[Lo Faber Band] lfb
[The Mammals] mammals [Btat:Mammals]
[Marcus Eaton & The Lobby] mel
Marlow marlow
Marc Ford mf
[Medeski Martin & Wood] mmw [Btat:Medeski] TradingPolicies
[Michael Franti & Spearhead] mfs spr
[Mike Clark's Prescription Renewal] mcrx
[moe.] moe
[The Nadas] tn
[The New Deal] nd tnd
[North Mississippi Allstars] nmas
[O.A.R. (Of A Revolution)] oar
[The Other Ones] too
[Oregon] or oregon
[Oysterhead] oh oysterhead
[Particle] par particle
[Pat Metheny] metheny pm
[Pat Metheny Group] pmg
[Pat Metheny Trio] pmt
[Pat McGee Band] pmb
[Pearl Jam] pj
[Phil Lesh & Friends] phil pf, pnf, p+f, p&f, paf [AbbrevDiscussion]
[Phish] ph [TradingPolicies]
[Psychedelic Breakfast] pb
[Radiators] rad rads
[Railroad Earth] rre
[Raq] raq
[Ratdog] ratdog rd
[Reid Genauer] rg
[Reservoir] reservoir
[Rezi] rezi
[Robert Randolph & the Family Band] rr rrfb
[Robert Walter's 20th Congress] rwtc rw2c
[Rusted Root] rr
Santa Cruz Hemp Allstars schas
[Schleigho] ho
[The Schwillbillies] schwillb
[Scott Amendola Band] amendola
[1] Serial Pod (SerialPod??) spod
[Seth Yacovone Band] Seth Yacovone Band sy, syb [AbbrevDiscussion]
[Sex Mob] sexmob
[Shaking Tree] st
[The Slip] slip sl
[Sonic Youth] sy sonicyouth [Btat sonic+youth]
[Soulive] soulive
[Sound Tribe Sector 9] sts9
[Spin Doctors] spin
[Steve Kimock & Friends] kmck
[Steve Kimock Band] skb
[Stockholm Syndrome] ss stocksyn
[Strangefolk] sf
[String Cheese Incident] sci
[Tea Leaf Green] tlg
[Tenacious D] tend
[Tim Reynolds] tr
Tortoise tortoise
[The Tragically Hip] hip
[Trey Anastasio (Band)] trey tab
[Umphrey's McGee] um umph
[Uncle Sammy] us Btat:Uncle+Sammy
[Vida Blue] vb Btat:Vida+Blue
Warren Haynes wh
[Ween] ween [Btat:Ween]
[Widespread Panic] wsp wp Btat:Widespread+Panic
[Wilco] wilco
Will Bernard 4tet wb4t
[Willy Porter] willyp Btat:Willy+Porter
[Willy Porter Band] willyp
The Word word
[Yonder Mountain String Band] ymsb
Zero zero
[Zony Mash] zm
[Zwan] zwan

--wiki note: having 2 abbreviation columns here is a good thing. Let's leave it like that in case someone needs to find out what an abbreviation is (for instance, I had no idea what kdub was for a long time).

This Page Last Changed: May 4, 2007 02:32:45
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